太原市凯特嘉机械有限公司是一家设计、制造、销售和服务捣固焦炉机械设备的专业厂家。多年来,凯特嘉恪守“用质量打造铁的市场,以诚信浇铸金字品牌”的企业宗旨,实行“人才为本,科技领先,用户至上”的经营理念,凭着雄厚的技术力量,优质的产品和优良的服务赢得了市场,赢得了客户的信赖。 志存高远,自强不息,凯特嘉矢志成为“世界最优秀的捣固焦炉机械设备及环保设备提供商之一”。秉持诚信,开放理念,凯特嘉愿与您携手共进,共创更加灿烂辉煌的明天。 Taiyuan KaiTeJia Machinery Co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in the design, production, sale and service for the stamping machines and other coke oven equipments. For years, KTJ has been sticking to its tenet of enterprise: “To build a firm market through quality and to create a prestige brand through honesty”. Through its business concept of reliance on the talents, leading in technology and customer-first, by virtue of its abundant technology force, superior products and excellent service, KTJ has gained both the market and the full trust of the customers. Aiming high and striving for the best, KTJ aspires to becoming one of the most excellent providers of high-quality environmental-protection equipments, stamping machines and other coke oven machinery in the world. Acting on the concept of honesty and openness, KTJ is willing to cooperate with you to create a more splendid and successful future. ![]() |