太原市凯特嘉机械有限公司成立于二零零一年,其前身是一九九一年建立的太原市南郊区通达机械加工厂。厂址位于太原市小店区,注册资金2000万元,占地面积37000平方米,现有员工240余人。公司主要研发、生产和销售捣固机、装煤车、推焦车、除尘拦焦车、电机车、熄焦车、导烟车等焦炉机械设备,同时也对外承揽精密加工的机械零部件。 公司一直坚持走技术创新的发展道路,与煤炭科学院太原分院保持密切合作关系,共同致力于焦煤机械的新技术开发、新材料运用等科研项目;是太原重工股份有限公司的制造分厂,常年为太重提供各种型号的整车焦炉设备,是太重公司挂牌选定的“太重挖掘焦化设备分公司总装基地”。 Taiyuan Kai Te Jia Machinery Co., Ltd, whose precursor was Taiyuan South Suburb Tonda Machinery Manufacturing Plant set up in 1991, was founded in 2001. Our company (KTJ), located in Xiaodian district of Taiyuan city, covers an area of 37,000 square meters and has the staff of more than 240 people. KTJ mainly researches, develops, produces and sells stamping machines, coal-charging cars, coke-pushing cars, degust & transfer cars, electric locomotives, quenching cars, CGT cars (charging gas transfer cars) and their ancillary equipments. By undertaking orders, KTJ manufactures sophisticated machining parts. KTJ has been following the route of the technological innovations. By working closely with China Coal Research Institute, Taiyuan Branch, KTJ has committed itself to the development and research of new technology of both coke oven machinery and utilization of new materials. KTJ has long been a business partner of Taiyuan Heavy Industry Co Ltd. For years, KTJ has been supplying the complete coke oven equipments of different sizes to the company. KTJ is also the general assembly base designated by Taiyuan Heavy Industry Excavating Coking Equipment Branch Company. ![]() |